You Want to Build a Social Enterprise...

But Have Become Overwhelmed by the Unlimited Resources Available to You as a Social Entrepreneur.

  • You don’t know where to start.

  • When you talk to people about your socially-minded idea, they just “don’t get it?”

  • You feel deflated by the lack of direction.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Module 0: Before We Get Started
    • Welcome!
  • 2
    Module 1: How Will You Change the World?
    • How Will You Change the World?
    • Vision, Mission & Strategy
    • Assignment: Your Vision, Mission, and Strategy
    • Iteration Is Important
    • Logic Models
    • Assignment: Your Logic Model
  • 3
    Module 2: Human Centered Entrepreneurship
    • Human Centered Entrepreneurship
    • Defining Your Target Customer
    • Assignment: Target Customer
    • Creating Your Customer Profile
    • Assignment: Customer Profile
    • What is a Value Proposition?
    • Venture's Value Resources
    • Assignment: Value Proposition Canvas
    • Assignment: Talk to Your Customers
  • 4
    Module 3: All the Pieces Work Together
    • Business Models
    • Understanding Your Industry
    • Industry Research
    • Your Venture's Business Model
    • What Exactly is a Business Module Canvas?
    • Other Models for the BMC
    • Revenue Stream & Cost Structure
    • Business Model Design Resources
    • Assignment: Your Business Model Canvas
  • 5
    Module 4: Testing Your Venture's Business Model
    • Testing Your Business Model
    • Resources for Testing Your Business Model
    • Assignment: Test Business Model Hypothesis
  • 6
    Module 5: Financial Concepts & Modeling
    • Financial Concepts
    • Non-Profit v. For-Profit
    • Cost Structure
    • Revenue
    • Cash Flow
    • Financial Concepts & Modeling Resources
    • Assignment: Financial Model
  • 7
    Module 6: Financial Projections
    • Financial Projections
    • Pricing & Sales
    • Impact
    • Financial Evaluation
    • Financial Model V2
  • 8
    Module 7: Financial Decision Making
    • Financial Decision Making
    • Financial Evaluation
    • Operations and Sales
    • Key Financial Statements
    • Assignment: Financial Model v3
  • 9
    Module 8: Financial Leadership
    • Financial Leadership
    • Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) & Dashboards
    • Financial Goal Setting
    • Sustainability & Risk Management
    • Financial Leadership Resources
    • Assignment: Your Financial Dashboard
  • 10
    Module 9: Revisiting Your Mission, Vision, & Strategy
    • Iteration is great!
    • Venture Values
    • Strategy Resources
    • Mission, Vision, Strategy & Business Model, take... 2?
  • 11
    Module 10: Measuring, Monitoring, and Communicating Your Venture's Impact
    • Measuring, Monitoring, and Communicating Your Venture's Impact
    • Identify and Collect Data
    • Metrics & Measurement Resources
    • Assignment: Impact Dashboard
  • 12
    Module 11: Telling Your Story
    • Sharing Your Story
    • Storytelling Tutorial
    • Story & Pitch Resources
    • Assignment: Tell Your Story
  • 13
    Module 12: Branding, Marketing, and Communications
    • Introduction
    • Defining Your Brand
    • Positioning Your Brand
    • Brand & Communications Resources
    • Communicating Your Brand
    • Evaluating Brand Performance & Building Communications
    • Assignment: Communicating Your Brand
  • 14
    Module 13: Raising Funds for Your Venture
    • Raising Funds for Your Venture
    • Raising Funds
    • Raising Funds Resources
    • Assignment: Your Ideal Funding Source
  • 15
    Module 14: Partners & Partnership
    • Forming Partnerships for Your Venture
    • Partnerships
    • Assignment: Your Venture Partnerships
    • Partnerships Resources
    • End of Module 14
  • 16
    Wrap Up
    • Post-Assessment
    • Exit Form

Complete the Entire Program and Receive Additional Benefits

Are you ready to commit to the full SEA Change experience? Sign up for all of the sessions at once at you will:

  • Receive a 10% discount!

  • Ensure you don’t miss a single step!

  • Join our alumni network – a private social media group of others just like you. Lean on them for support, networking, and opportunities as you build your business!

Hear What Our Alumni Are Saying:

Wild Tiger Tees

"SEA Change was instrumental in helping us transition from a loosely formed team into getting the right foundation in place to test and launch our venture.”

Neighbors Apparel

“SEA Change was an awesome resource that helped create a pathway (literal steps to follow) in moving a business forward. It's extremely helpful for those who did not have previous formal entrepreneur/business training.”

Are You Ready to Be the Change?

Remember, this program is for individuals and organizations for whom their measurable social impact is non-negotiable. SEA Change Online will help you solidify that impact and create a path toward financial sustainability, so you can affect as many lives as possible!
Enroll Free Now